

50th Commemoration of the Vietnam Conflict, Linden


Nick Arcuri, owner of Arcuri Truck and Trailer Repair, will unveil a custom designed truck dedicated to Vietnam Veterans and the 50th Commemoration of the Vietnam Conflict on Friday, July 20, 2012 at 11:00 AM at Arcuri Truck and Trailer Repair, 1025 East Linden Avenue, Linden, New Jersey.

 To honor all those who served, Arcuri covered one of his trucks with a vinyl graphic display designed by Great Dane Trailer. These graphics feature the New Jersey Vietnam Veterans' Memorial Foundation, the New Jersey State Council of Vietnam Veterans of America, Vietnam Veterans of America National Chapter, and Maximum Quality Foods.

 Maximum Quality Foods is proud to show their support by displaying the truck at the 2nd Annual Car, Truck & Motorcycle Show on Sunday, September 30, 2012, in the PNC Bank Arts Center parking lot, exit 116 off the Garden State Parkway.

 For information about either event, please contact Bill Linderman at the New Jersey Vietnam Veterans' Memorial Foundation at 732-335-0033 xt. 101 or


Nutley War Casualties - July

July 3, 1944 - Walter Mihalchuk

July 4, 1944 - John Gervan

July 11, 1943 - Percy Shuart

July 12, 1942 - Joseph T. Kirwelewicz

July 12, 1951 - Richard Miller

July 13, 1943 - Warren P. Marks

July 14, 1944 - Charles O'Neill

July 15, 1918 - Paul Martino

July 17, 1945 - Lothrop F. Ellis

July 20, 1944 - Wilbur Westfall

July 23, 1958 - Charles A. Marsh

July 25, 1918 - John Carver Adams

July 30, 1944 - J. E. Pierce