

PACIFIC: Emil Liloia

April 13, 1945) - Word has been received by Mr. and Mrs. Vito Frank Liloia of Passaic avenue that their son, Pfc. Emil M. Liloia, 21, USMC, was killed in action March 1 on Iwo Jima while serving with the 3rd Marine division.

Born in Belleville, Pfc. Liloia came to Nutley when he was three. He went through Nutley schools and while in high school starred on the football team. He was voted the best athlete of the year.

He received a scholarship to Temple University in Philadelphia and had played there only one year when he went into service.

Pfc. Liloia has four sisters, Ann, Ruth, Marie and Dorothy. A brother, SK 3/c Pat Liloia, has been in the Navy two and one half years and is at present on an oil tanker in the South Pacific.

Copyright © 2010 by Anthony Buccino, all rights reserved. Photos and content may not be used for commercial purposes without written permission.

Nutley Sons Honor Roll, Nutley, N.J.
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